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Alan, since you keep using your relationship with Tyler Collins as an example of how MODE ONE works, according to this article:
...it took several months of facebook, email, and phone conversations before you even met her in person.
Not only that, Tyler said "I wasn't sure about dating Alan at first, because he was so forthcoming about his past trysts and illicit dalliances with other women, that it initially had me wary."
This tells me that MODE ONE behavior worked against you and got in the way, causing a larger delay costing possibly months when you could have been fucking her.
Also, what self respecting seducer would invest several months into a woman without any sex? Usually, I only have to see a woman twice without sex before I give up on her.
Your method is the most ineffective and inefficient method I have ever heard of when the best example of success that you keep reminding us of over and over took you several months. Even the grossly inefficient Mystery Method takes seven hours.
What do you say to that, Mr. Logical?
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You know this because you masturbate over his podcasts, fanboy.
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You think?
So technically, if all that came from the podcasts and you knew that, wouldn't you be masturbating over his podcasts too?
Moooooooooooooooooode One!!!!!
By the way, Destoroyah... baby, don't hate. It doesn't look good on you.
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like i said, offended like a little brat
And you have a user name like "Hank Moody."
Give me a break.
I watch Californication.
I love Californication.
Hank Moody is more "Mode One" than just about any male character on any television show.
Hank Moody is outspoken with women, and smooth with women.
You, my friend, are a pussy.
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LOL you are like a little kid.
Are you seriously 45 years old?
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I don't care if I were 65 years old, I hate stupidity.
I wish you guys would have been at the DDS Conference in London. David X
on this guy for asking a stupid question.
Stupidity is irritating.
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You know what I call stupid?
Getting into a long distance relationship.
Yeah I remember my first long distance relationship, I was in my early twenties...never again.
And you got cheated on too?
That's what I call stupid.
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This is going to surprise you onenatural ... and blow your mind ... but I am going to actually halfway agree with you.
In retrospect, being in a long-distance relationship was not a good move. It's one thing if you live in Los Angeles, CA and you're dating someone in San Diego, CA. Or you live in Miami, FL and you're dating someone in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
But when you live in the Chicago area, and you're dating someone in Los Angeles, CA, nine times out of ten, it's not going to work out unless someone moves very, very soon.
So ... +1 for onenatural on this one. Savor this 'win' young man.
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He always knew long distance relationships were hopeless, but he didn't care.
What he wanted was Tyler's pussy and he had waited a LONG time to get it. Even stalked her and gotten close to her circles.
Then right after she broke up with her guy he pounced! Went "Mode One" on her or whatever.
Secretly he knew that it's impossible for two adults to satisfy each other's needs via long distance. He made her a booty call whenever he would stop over and let her think it was a "relationship".
Alan knew all along that she'd need a man right beside her, he knew that he could say he wanted a "relationship" but so long as he was not right beside her she would always be just a booty call, and that's what she felt in the end.
Do you blame her for going back to her ex?
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Wow. Your insight is amazing!!! So why did I get an "F" out of that one college class? Why did I take the wrong exit off the highway in Oceanside, CA in 1998??
You've got it all figured out!!!
You are ...
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Except nobody cares when you make choices that affect only yourself, Alan.
But the fact is you have become more and more selfish since your younger days and now it is all about YOU YOU YOU. You don't even care about what you do to other people, everything you have said is lip service and always a LIE to help you get what you want.
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So much for that intelligent discourse that you constantly beg us for.
1) Anyone with experience with women knows that long distant relationships are an enormous waste of time and effort for very little reward and have gotten those out of their system sometime back in their 20's.
2) You and her are both B List celebrities (respect to you) and had enough money to meet up in person much earlier, but she obviously wouldn't let you meet her. In my personal long distant relationship, back in my 20's, I visited her after only about two weeks of emailing and talking.
3) Tyler obviously manipulated you hardcore into a beta role because no real man would spend several months listening to a woman on the phone and then in the end dedicate himself to her exclusively while she goes off and does other guys in the meantime. If you believe that she just kissed that other guy, you are damn naive. How long do you think he worked her for to get to fuck her? Several months, like you?
Since this is your best example of MODE ONE's success, that you keep bringing up over and over, MODE ONE is a sorry system.
Fuck MODE ONE. MODE TWO will get you LAID more EASILY
READ my post :
Im a fugly but i do score
and not homos
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Stupid posts beget stupid responses.
That is a blanket statement that is not true for everyone. I know a few people who maintained successful long-distance relationships for a while, and to this day, are married.
Says WHO?? My ex never "refused" to let me meet her earlier. Never. You have no idea what you're talking about. If anything, it was just the opposite. I had an opportunity to meet her in 1995, but then backed off of the opportunity.
When you speak from hearsay and speculation, you border on slander, which is illegal.
So now, you're saying that you dated and had sex with Tyler? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
Why are you acting like you know Tyler, or me, personally? You don't. You're talking shit.
If you know Tyler personally or me personally, be a man and reveal yourself. Otherwise, watch yourself in your tabloid reporter role. You might slip up and get sued.
Who said my relationship with my ex is or was my "best example" of Mode One 'success?' Again, you don't know me. My Mode One same-day seductions are LEGENDARY among those who know me. I doubt if there are more than a handful of guys who have had same-day seductions that match mine.
Please don't talk shit like you know what you are talking about, when you really don't. And secondly, if you're going to try to talk shit in the manner that you are, you need to be a MAN and reveal who you are. Quit being a coward.
And you have the nerve to refer to me as "beta." Puhleaze. Hiding behind a computer.
LOL months of a long distance relationship? and then mode one gets cheated on?
do you know what kind of mental issues someone has who puts themselves into that sort of losing situation?
and this guy thinks he can COACH other men with their issues ?
and he thinks all this points to the effectiveness of his stupid e-book and its -desperation- tactics?
where does one even start with this bullshit?
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I can seriousely believe this guy is the true alan currie. I mean, even this loser would have some kind of life, right?
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now this faggot is threatening legal action to stop people from exposing his scam. Hey dipshit, do you have any clue how difficult it is to win a slander case, and we are talking about newspapers publishing articles in those cases. Not an internet site exposing a scammer.
Youre a scammer and youd never win in a million years
You have ONE girl (who tooled you in a long distance relationship) as your proof of mode one. Youre a sham.
You offer "coaching" for men's issues with no credentials whatsoever, while displaying all sorts of mental problems on this board.
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uh huh....legendary....
listen to this overblown faggot. Get some dignity and get a real job. Not spending 10 hours in a day posting on a forum to sell a scam ebook.
now, we playing our doubting-manhood-game again?
grow up Alan. seriously
maybe you should listen to some words of wisdom...
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Don't get your panties in a bunch, I didn't date her, I was referring to my own long distance relationship with a girl on the web in my younger and dumber days. Sorry that you are still stuck on her though. I'm sorry she played you like that.
You have no proof except for your bragging. And now you are too much of a washed up has-been to get any results for proof. I seriously hope you make a comeback. I feel for you.